
Category listing for Rust

Rust workspaces

Date: 2023-01-15

I've recently come to try out workspaces in Rust and I love them. Rust workspaces are groups of crates that work together. Here are some selling points:

Easy to set up

Setting up couldn't be simpler - all you need is a single Cargo.toml file with a single section that defines what crates you have in the workspace. Example:

members = ["api", "core", "cli"]

Common lock file

All of your crates within the workspace have a common Cargo.lock that lives in the ma...

AoC 2022 - Days 3 to 10

Date: 2022-12-10

Day 3


Day 3 was not very exciting - the exercise consisted of some basic string manipulation.

Day 4

Solution: [

AoC 2022 - Day 2

Date: 2022-12-02

I've created a new repo for the AoC 2022 here

Today's exercise was pretty easy again (you can find it here). The most fun part was modelling the problem with Rust's nice enums and match statements. I made a utility method that gives you the corresponding hand based on the player's hand and the desired result. I used this to f...

Advent of Code 2022 - Day 1

Date: 2022-12-01

Advent of code 2022 has started.

The first day's task is certainly easy, as expected. You can find the exercise description here:

I'm using advent of code as an exercise to get more familiar with Rust. I am going to be using .unwrap() here as I don't feel like proper error handling is needed in the context of these exercises.

I feel like this solution is simple enough that understanding the code should be easy...